Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's Official

I've moved.

Slow Home Grown

My next post will be available at WordPress, so head over there for me :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brussel Sprout, Leek, and Bacon Scramble

Do all you food bloggers out there know how inspiring you are? I'm sure some of you do. If you don't know it, though, you are.

This recipe is inspired by so many of the wonderful things I have seen posted lately. Particularly this and this.

And just because I enjoy them and they recently made me smile, you should check out this lovely lady as well this this other lovely lady.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm considering moving over to WordPress right now. I am moving to WordPress.

I'm also attempting to sort out a schedule for myself, when I started this, it was kind of an impulsive decision. I really enjoy it and I'd like to have some consistency in my posts, for all of us really. That's something that's hard for me to do regardless of how much time I have on my hands.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Flooding and Stock

So, Spring is here now.

It wasn't last week when it rained for two and a half days and our apartment filled with water. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it's the reason for my absence. It was like moving, but we didn't leave the apartment. The living room was in the kitchen for about five days and we're still camping on our air mattress in the bedroom.

Needless to say, I haven't been able to be in the kitchen much. We're finally getting things back to normal.

Before this whole ordeal though, I made chicken stock (with the intention of making matzoh ball soup which still needs some tweaking).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Travel Mugs

This is food related. Mostly.

It's about a really timely food-on-the-go issue because I really like my coffee. A lot. Granted, I like it a lot less than I did when I was juggling five classes, a job, and design responsibilities. But I still don't consider a day started until I've had my cup of coffee, even when it doesn't happen until six or seven in the evening. (Creating a "grown-up" schedule is extraordinarily difficult and I don't know how you all do it. Mornings. What are those? I'm still having trouble working breakfast into my routine. Meaning, it never happens.)

(Photo courtesy of and

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Technical Difficulties

I apologize for my absence!

I've been sick with a very headachey cold and then my computer was first having internet issues and then got doused with a good, strong gin and tonic. Needless to say it needed a couple of days of alone time.

But it seems to be working and we seem to be back in business.

So soon I will return with delicious food posts, though tonight it may just be a post about how delicious spring is because I've been a little lazy with the cooking because of the sickness.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Improvisational Ravioli

I know I'm a little late. What can I say? I'm still adjusting. I've also been living off of one big bowl of brown rice salad that I will discuss a little later in the week.

But better late than never, that's what I always say.

And I do want to talk about improvisation because improvisation is the backbone of my cooking. I think people are scared of improvisation (like I was, until recently, with baking), but it doesn't have to be scary. It can be fun and exciting and challenging. You just have to be comfortable with the fact that sometimes things don't always work out just right.

But really you just look in the fridge and you say, OK. I have some tomatoes and some garlic and boy do I like both of those things roasted.