Monday, February 1, 2010

Cabin Fever

Winter's kind of hard when you don't have a lot of money to spend, when you only work part time so there's a lot of time at home (and your boyfriend works all the time, so he's rarely home). Needless to say, I'm in a bit of  a cabin-fever-inspired rut. I don't really feel like cleaning up the messes that already exist, nor do I feel like creating another mess in the kitchen.

I took down the Christmas tree. That counts, at least. I read a book. It was exciting.

But now I'm done reading, I'm done being on the internet, I've knitted my brains out, I've been cooking up a storm (I'll update with a chicken soup recipe tomorrow)... and there's still another month or two before the weather warms up enough to be comfortably outside. Which is what I need.

Anyone have any good remedies for the winter doldrums?


  1. I've taken to reading children's books. I just finished A Wrinkle in Time and am Moving on to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe next. Also...books on tape are fun because they take longer to listen through than it does to read a book and you don't really need to do much while you listen. I also suggest foot baths, real baths, taking things apart and putting them back together, and drawing.

  2. Ah, I work in a book store, and every time I'm in the intermediate reader section (where all those wonderful chapter books are) I think about how much I enjoyed them and wonder if I would enjoy them as much now.
